Level Assessment
New members will receive one set of performance cards plus a membership card shortly after joining. The member must fully fill in the front of the performance cards before Level Assessment can take place.
Correct information is your responsibility, performance cards must not be altered. Membership cards can only have the address or surname (married) changed. To do this, put a neat line through the incorrect information and re-write correctly.
It must also be currently validated by your secretary with club stamp and signature. If any cards are incorrect, you may risk elimination.
Extra performance cards for a new or second horse can be purchased from the club or HRCAV at a cost of $7.50 per card. If you have filled up any performance card, send a photocopy of it to the HRCAV and they will send you a new one free of charge.
Members wishing to be Level Assessed may have it done at a club rally with Level Assessors:
- Marilyn Smithett 0432 029 450.
Please organise prior to day with one of these assessors to see when they will be available at club. The cost is $20 per combination payable to the Level Assessor.
You can also organise Level Assessment at another time or place at $60 per combination plus travel (unless shared as per LA rule 5.1.) with an assessor of choice. You can find a list of Level Assessors on the HRCAV website. Please give yourself plenty of time to get this done as Level Assessors lead busy lives too.
If you are entering any TTT events, you must either qualify by attending 3 events in the discipline at which you intend to compete by getting your log stamped at the competition. TTT logs are available on the HRCAV website otherwise you must have a Level Assessor verify your assessment within 12 months of the competition you wish to enter. If you have been newly assessed in that year, verification does not apply. Level 1 riders are only exempt from verification for Horse Trials and Combined Training.
Once you have been assessed you will automatically upgrade in level by gaining points by placing in the top 4 at official competitions. If you point up in a discipline you may be required to advance other similar disciplines. Ask a Level Assessor if this happens for clarification.