Member Rules & Policies
Welcome to the Peninsula Horse Riders Club Membership Rules and Policies (Oct2020 V1.8 )
PHRC is situated on 8.5 hectares of council owned land and share the grounds with the Langwarrin Pony Club. Our club was formed in 1977 and was one of the founding clubs in the HRCAV. Facilities available to the club include 3 all-weather arenas, show jumps, cross-country, clubrooms and storage sheds. PHRC is an adult riding club. Members and guest riders must be 16 years of age to join or ride in lessons at our rallies. Unmounted children under 14 are the responsibility of their parents and must be supervised by an unmounted adult at all times.
In line with HRCAV regulations we require members to wear approved helmets when mounted. Current helmet requirements can be found at
Protective Vests when Training Cross Country
In line with HRCAV regulations we require members to wear accredited protective vests when using the grounds for cross country. This includes rallies, training days and clinics as well as members with keys using the grounds at their leisure.
Rallies are usually held on the 1st Wednesday, 2nd Saturday and 4th Sunday of the month. All rallies are made up of 1 hour lessons which have a maximum of 4 riders, lessons are booked prior to the rally online through Event Secretary and the booking process is supported by our rally coordinator. Rallies need to booked online by the person riding.
Wednesday rallies may be twilight or morning rallies depending on daylight savings. Twilight rallies commencing at 4pm, whilst morning rallies commence at 9am providing an option of either flat, poles or cross country. Typically, only one instructor is booked for Wednesday rallies.
Weekend rallies provide both dressage and jumping lessons, commencing at 9am (8am in summer months, or 10am depending on entry numbers) with a lunch break at 12pm, then more lessons after lunch at 12.30pm if we have enough riders wanting lessons. Typically, two instructors are booked for weekend rallies. Weekend lessons alternate between show jumping and cross-country lessons. Booking at least a week in advance will secure your rally spot.
To attend a rally, you must book and pre pay online. We suggest you do this a week in advance as at this point any vacancies are opened up to guest riders from other HRCAV clubs.
As of the 1st of February 2025 event secretary & instructor fees have increased therefore our rally fees for members is now $35 per lesson. Typically our rally fees are $35 per lesson, however depending on what an instructor charges the club, rally fees may slightly increase. Guests from other HRCAV clubs pay $45 per lesson.
Clinics may be run every couple of months and the typical structure of these clinics are that there will be three instructors booked offering a variety of disciplines and it will be open to both PHRC members as well as the public – cost of these lessons will be dependent on cost of instructor. These clinics are advertised and booked in Event Secretary with our typical rally format.
Booking for poles and show jumping requires you to attend the set up of the equipment, or the pack up of the equipment depending on what time your lesson falls. The Rally Officers are there to open shed and bring out equipment to arenas and assist those riding in show jumping or poles, in set up. The Rally Officer(s) is not to do this all themselves. No set up or pack up help, no ride.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations within 7 days prior to the rally date require a medical or veterinary certificate to receive a partial refund. A $10 administration fee is retained for these types of cancellations due to the costs incurred from our online booking service.
If a member books and cancels (and has no medical or veterinary certificate) within 7 days of rally and their spot cannot be filled a 100% fee will be incurred. However, if their spot is filled a $10 administration fee will apply.
This is to maintain the integrity of our booking service so members do not book and then wait to see what the weather will be and then cancel prior. Instructors are pre-booked often months in advance. The expenses associated to running rallies are covered by rally attendance. Full lessons are ‘break-even’ for the cost of our instructors and we have to pay for the time we book them regardless of cancellations. Regardless of whether the cancelled spot has been filled or not, the associated fee is applicable.
To cancel a rally booking, please email
If rallies are cancelled for any reason such as extreme weather, full refunds apply and the club will incur the online booking expenses associated.
Rally Supervision and Set Up by Members
All of our members are required to be a Rally Supervisor and Set Up Officer each membership year. This is a half day commitment, date selected by you as a mandatory step in the online membership payment process through Event Secretary. Members can choose their duty time by using SignUp.
The tasks are as follows, but not limited to –
- Picking up of Rally Basket by the Wednesday evening of the week prior (for Wednesday rallies pick up by Monday evening)
- Opening procedure and closing procedure
- Safety Supervisor – fill out incident reports of any falls or incidents on the day, for Committee
- Taking care of our instructors with drinks, lunch, etc
- Providing lunch (pre purchasing and bringing on the day with receipt for full refund)
- Tasks as allocated by the committee of cleaning, etc within the day
- Manure pick up from wash bays, arenas and make sure everyone takes their manure home from car park
- Answer questions from members and visitors to the rally as we often have member enquiry on rally days
- Ensure the safety, fun and connection of our members on the day
Members on duty must stay at the ground for the entirety of their duty times
Members riding on their duty day must ride outside their duty times.
Any member wishing to change a Rally Officer services date needs to organise this themselves via the Member’s Facebook Group Peninsula Horse Riders Club Inc (Members Only)* and notify Christine Maxwell via email:
Rally Officer services are compulsory as a member of PHRC.
Social Activities
Members are encouraged to join our Member’s Facebook group Peninsula Horse Riders Club Inc (Members Only)* to connect with other members. Rallies are a great opportunity to be social and enjoy a lunch together pre booked with your rally attendance online.
Each year we have a Christmas break up rally fun format with a member contributed lunch. This may be in the form of a special clinic or informal competition.
*Our Social Media Policy is in line with HRCAV Social Media Policy
Annual Fees and Membership
Full membership and associate membership are the only memberships available at PHRC, with members approved by Committee. Every member is required to help at events, working bees and rallies.
HRCAV and PHRC fees run from November 1st to October 31st each year. Members are required to pay the HRCAV levy with one club only and the PHRC membership fee. Chaff Chat magazine through the HRCAV, can be paid within our membership as an optional addition.
As our grounds are shared with Langwarrin Pony Club, we are required to share the costs and member labour associated to ongoing maintenance and upgrades.
Membership is completed online through Event Secretary and details of this will be emailed to all members in October each year once the HRCAV sets their fees. Membership numbers are restricted as we have high demand for membership, so re-joining in November will avoid disappointment. Committee make the final decisions relating to membership acceptance.
Event Secretary online membership function closes 1st January each year if not sooner, depending on member numbers cut-off. Anyone wanting to join after this date will be assessed by the Committee with a minimum of 7 day turn around for a response. From 1st January each year or early if required, a waiting list is active and there is no guarantee of membership being offered.
The HRCAV Disclaimer must be signed by every member and held by the committee.
PHRC is not responsible for HRCAV Fees and insurance therefore our Club policy is that there will be no refunds of membership fees under any circumstances.
Helper Duties
Every member is required to help at one half day at Club competitions - either on the day or the day prior for set up - PLUS at any of the grounds working bees during the year. In addition, members must also commit to one Rally Duty each year. Members are welcome and encouraged to do more but this is the minimum we require.
Competition day pack up is an all-hands-on-deck effort by members and is not part of helper duty allocation.
Members riding in the competitions are expected to help, you may be allocated a job around riding times, or alternatively, you can sign up for a job yourself.
Helping at events and working bees is an opt-in online process. You must opt-in online prior to the event and not just show-up on the day and offer to help.
Rally Duty is a process at membership fee stage through Event Secretary as a mandatory step of the online membership.
Members who do not fulfil their full helper requirements may not be accepted by Committee as members the following year.
Helper Vouchers - Helper Vouchers are now no longer valid.
Communication to Members
Facebook - We also have a Facebook group called Peninsula Horse Riders Club Inc (Members Only). This is a closed group for members only governed by HRCAV Social Media Policy.
Please ensure your email details are up to date with our Secretary to allow us to communicate with ease.
Use of the Grounds Policy
All PHRC Members, at the discretion of Committee, can purchase a grounds key for a cost of $50 annually plus a $50 bond and may use the grounds at any time other than Langwarrin Pony Club rallies, events and camps. Members will also be asked to sign a form outlining the responsibilities of the registered key holder which in short is that you are not allowed to loan your key to another person to use the grounds, even if they are a member. Anyone that loans their key out will be asked to return their key immediately and will lose the right to hold one again.
Grounds keys only open the gate and no equipment sheds or amenities. Members using the grounds are required to clean up any manure in the carpark or on the arenas, and take it home. Members of PHRC or LPC only are to ride on the grounds due to insurance. Any members letting unauthorised persons on the ground to ride will have their membership terminated.
Members are required to wear approved boots and helmets at all times, and an approved safety vest must be worn when riding on the cross country on the grounds.
If you are going to ride on the cross-country please check the area before jumping, as unfortunately vandalism is an issue at our grounds so a safety check prior to jumping is required. We have had broken bottles on the take-off or landing of fences, or there may be rubbish or branches down on the tracks. We strongly encourage you not to ride alone.
The onus is on you as a member and rider to have someone on the ground or riding with you when on the cross country course, to ensure your safety.
When riding on the grounds outside of club organised activities, it is highly recommended that you do not padlock the entry gate behind you locking yourself in, as this limits access for emergency services if needed.
Members accepted throughout the PHRC calendar year after January 1st, may not be eligible for a grounds keys until the November re-joining year, if they are accepted to re-join.
DO NOT LEND YOUR KEY TO ANYONE. Other PHRC members may attend grounds with you. Instructors may teach at the grounds but may not be mounted unless they are a club member.
Breaching any of our grounds policies may result in you not be accepted by Committee as a member the following year.
Float Parking
All floats and trucks are to be parked in the designated parking areas owner onus applies. These are the area to the left of the driveway and the area on the hill at the back of the clubrooms between the small fenced arena and the yards. No floats or vehicles to be parked near arenas unless otherwise directed.
Manure Management
Any time you are using the grounds it is your responsibility to either take your manure home, or clear the manure to the designated pile on the grounds. Please do not leave the manure for someone else to clear. As members, we take pride in the presentation and cleanliness of our grounds and we appreciate everyone doing their bit. Taking manure home is the first preference so simply pack an empty feedbag each visit.
Club Uniform
PHRC club colours are jade green and royal blue. The club sells polo shirts, soft shell vests & jackets. Peaked caps and bucket hats in these colours. Saddlecloths are not sold by club but can be purchased from external businesses.
HRCAV rules state that you must compete in club colours above the waist. Your club logo must be either on your club uniform or on your saddle blanket. It doesn’t have to be on both. Saddle blankets are at the choice of riders, either white or in club colours. Jodhpurs are usually white for Dressage, or beige, cream, white grey etc. for Showing. (It will come down to what the judge is looking for in Showing).
NOTE:-If you compete Show Jumping or Cross Country, you may wear club colours over your helmet, and coloured jodhpurs as in black, navy, green etc.
You are not required to wear club uniform at rallies, however it is encouraged so to promote our club. You must wear an approved helmet and riding boots at all times and a back protector if using the grounds at any time for Cross Country.
Competition Level Assessment
When joining you will receive grading cards for HRCAV disciplines. Level assessments are required for each discipline you intend to complete in.
Members wishing to be Level Assessed can contact Marilyn Smithett 0432 029 450, Robyn Brown 0408 147 332 or Erin Dunne 0432 422 231. Please give yourself plenty of time to complete this once joining as Level Assessors availability typically requires ample notice. They also charge a small fee. The member must fully fill in the front of the performance cards before Level Assessment can take place. Correct information is the responsibility of the member.
Once you have been assessed you will automatically upgrade in level by gaining points by placing in the top 4 at official competitions. If you point up in a discipline you may be required to advance other similar disciplines. Ask a Level Assessor if this happens for clarification.
(TTT) Top Team Trophy HRCAV EVENTS
The HRCAV runs a TTT event for each discipline every year. These are team events with 4 riders per team representing their club. All assessed levels are welcome and we encourage riders to give it a go! Entries for TTT are coordinated by a Committee member and to be involved, simply ask!
Code of Conduct
Our Club is governed by the HRCAV Code of Conduct. It is expected that all members will at all times behave in a manner which will not harm the reputation of the club. The committee has the power to suspend the membership of persons displaying unacceptable behaviour. The committee also has the power to suspend the membership of any member abusing the use of their grounds key.
Langwarrin Equestrian Recreation Reserve is not a dog leash free zone. Dogs at our grounds must be restrained at all times regardless of how well behaved your dog is. Dogs must be restrained in a way that they will not affect other horses and riders. No dogs are to be in the clubrooms.
Accidental Injury
All accidents must be reported to the duty officer at the time. A record of any incident must be kept by the club. If the incident is serious then a copy of the accident report must be sent to the HRCAV for insurance purposes. Members are strongly advised to have ambulance cover so that there is no hesitation in the event of an accident.
For the safety of both children at the grounds and riders, it is the sole responsibility of the parent or guardian to ensure their children are cared for at club activities. All children under the age of 14 are to be supervised at all times by a parent or guardian. The parent/guardian is to arrange for their child/children to be supervised at club activities at all times. No child is to be left unsupervised at any time. Supervision is regarded as having the child in sight and within arm’s reach.
Children are not allowed to be on any arena where a lesson is being conducted or areas where other ridden activity is occurring. Peninsula Horse Riders Club does not accept any responsibility for the care or safety of children at club activities. Rally officers and rally assistants are attending rallies to coordinate the day activities and they are not to be regarded as babysitters.
Annual Awards
Each year the club presents awards at the Christmas Rally.
Committee Meetings
Our Committee is made up of riding and non-riding members as volunteers running our club. Meetings are held monthly, at a date and venue that suits the committee members. Club members are welcome to attend committee meetings and/or support on our events sub committees. Speak with a committee member to support your club in this way.
Our AGM is held in November each year and member attendance supports the running of our club.
Complaints, Grievances and Member Feedback
In the interests of our members enjoying a safe and social environment of riding and learning, we encourage our members to share their experiences with the committee. Feedback helps us with our decisions of the activities we offer our members. To do so, either speak directly with a committee member at rally or a phone call, or submit in writing your thoughts to the Committee at . It is not acceptable to use our facebook group to post complaints and grievances.
HRCAV Rules and Chaff Chat Magazine
As a member of HRCAV it is your responsibility to know the rules of HRCAV. These can be found on the HRCAV website. The HRCAV monthly Chaff Chat magazine we strongly recommend every member subscribe to receive, to ensure you stay across any rule changes.
Our Governing Model Rules
As we are an incorporated club, we are governed by the Standard Model Rules as per Consumer Affairs. Any breach of our policies as a club results in the committee following the guidelines set within these Model Rules.
HRCAV have their own set of tailored Model Rules that collectively as an affiliated club to HRCAV, we are responsible to. Each Club within the HRCAV have their own Model Rules to manage and guide their club management.
Peninsula Horse Riders Club Inc. will not be held liable for any damage to the personal property of, or injury to a member or non-member or their horse.